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Kashmir: A bloodbath since 1948

Kashmiris of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are facing a bloodbath with around-the-clock curfew, communication blackouts, arrests killings, and forceful suppression of protesters since 1948.

Kashmiris killed in January 2022:

During the last month of January in IIOJK, Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism martyred 22 Kashmiris including a teenage boy.

Of those killed, four youth were martyred in a fake encounter, according to the data issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on Tuesday.

Kashmiris killed since 1989; 

Moreover as per Kashmir Media Service, Indian occupied forces since 1989, had killed about 95,971 Kashmiris including 7,229 in custody, arrested 164,123, arson houses, shops, etc. 110,459, women widowed, 22,941, children orphaned, 107,857, women gang-raped/ Molested, 11,247 including killings in fake encounters, extra-judicial operations, and custody.       

IIOK after revoking  Article 370:

And after going through the decades-long physical and mental agony, now the people of IIOJK are facing the worst type of repression at the hands of the Modi-led fascist government which has stripped the held territory of its special status, on August 5 2019, by revoking Articles 370 and 35-A to change its demographic apartheid.

It is quite clear that Modi government took this illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional action out of frustration as its around-the-clock curfew, communication blackouts, arrests and killings and forceful suppression of protesters fell flat before the indomitable spirit and struggle of the Kashmiri people, whose commitment gets stronger with every intensive move of the so-called secular state.

UN and way forward:

Almost 73 years have passed and the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are still struggling to get their legitimate right of self-determination as promised by the world powers at their top forum, the United Nations (UN).

In this whole circumstance, a just and lasting solution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with international legitimacy is the only way to ensure durable peace and development in the region.


In awake of Feb 5 Kashmir solidarity day, a tribute to the people of IIOJK for standing firmly against all kinds of oppression and continuing their indigenous struggle to get the right to self-determination


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