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Showing posts with the label imran khan

Imran announces to lead long march from KP

PESHAWAR, May 24 :Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday announced that he would lead the long march to Islamabad from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Wednesday. Addressing a press conference here, Imran Khan claimed that a large number of people, including women and youth from all the provinces would march towards the Federal Capital to press the demand for fresh election in the country. He said the PTI march would be totally peaceful and there was no justification for  crackdown against his party workers. Holding a peaceful protest was their democratic right, he added. He said a free, fair and transparent election was the only solution of the economic challenges, such as price hike and rupee devaluation. "We need to stand on own feet as quickly as possible rather than relying on the International Monetary Fund." He pleaded for maintaining voting right for the overseas Pakistanis as they were remitting $31 billion dollars annually . Imran Kha

“Amr Bil Maroof” to be held at Parade Ground Islamabad on March 27: PTI

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is all set to hold the largest public meeting themed under “Amr Bil Maroof” to be held at Parade Ground Islamabad on March 27 (Sunday).  In a statement, PTI leader Federal Minister for Education, Professional Training and National Heritage Shafqat Mahmood said the biggest public meeting “Amr Bil Maroof” would be held in Islamabad on March 27.  He said the public meeting would be the largest one in the history of the country and would have a great impact. He said the impact of the largest rally on corrupt gang would be visible on those who moved so-called no-confidence motion.  He said they all should make efforts to attend this historic public gathering and asked people to invite maximum people with them to the be part of the rally to be held in the federal capital.  “We all should repose confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan and express solidarity with our leader”, he remarked.  Talking to media at Parade Ground, PTI leader Senator Fa

Zuhr prayer mandatory in KPK school

Zuhr prayers are made mandatory in government schools in KP.  It has been directed to take a break during Zuhr prayers in schools. All districts will take a break for Zuhr prayers according to their respective working hours.  Notification: The  country’s progress linked with education. In Pakistan, 32% of primary students were out of schools comparing 21% boys, 60% girls above primary level were out of school comparing 50% boys while only 13% of girls reached class 9. Education was also equally important for the Muslims to excel in the world otherwise they would lag behind in the development.

As promised $100,000 transfered to Sri Lankan Kumara’s widow

Sialkot business community has transfered $100,000 to account of Priyantha Kumara’s widow .   Alongwith this accumulative amount, a monthly salary of $2000 will be transfer to her account by the Rajco Industries, which they will do for 10 yrs (years). Late Kumara was served as manager in Rajco Industries. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan appreciated the generous gesture of the Sialkot business community and Rajco Industries for extending financial assistance to widow of late Priyantha Kumara, who was killed by a violent mob last year. Sialkot incident background: In December 3, 2021, Sri Lankan factory manager Priyantha Kumara was beaten to death and set ablaze by a mob who accused him of blasphemy. As per Local police officials rumours spread that Kumara had “torn down a religious poster and thrown it in the dustbin. The police has arrested all the culprits including main one and now a fair trail is continued as per law. President, PM, religious leaders along with whole nati